Hi! I'm an incoming 4th-year CS major at UCLA. Currently, I'm working as a full-stack developer at Logos, a company participating in UCLA's startup accelerator program.

My interests lie in full-stack web development and back-end development in general. During the school year, I'm busy teaching technical skills to other students as an officer of UCLA ACM.

In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis and video games, reading, and hanging out with friends. When I'm not too busy, I like to work on personal and open-source projects.

Soon I will be applying and interviewing for a role as a software development engineer. You can take a look at the courses I've taken and my past experiences down below!


Hover over a course title to see a list of the covered topics!

Data Structure and Algorithms
Algorithms and Complexity
Programming Languages
Computer Architecture
Computer Graphics
Computer Networking
Operating Systems
Fundamentals of AI


Logos Website

During my internship at Logos, I led the project to convert the previous WordPress site into a fully responsive website using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and jQuery. Through this project, I learned a lot about animations in CSS, the parallax effect in web design, and general UI/UX concerns and issues. You can visit the site here.

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The final project of my Computer Graphics class allowed students to build any kind of web project as long we incorporated graphics concepts. Our team decided to make a browser video game in which the player must defeat waves of zombies using various weapons and power-ups. I worked on some of the basic game logic and level design. You can play the game here.

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To teach myself web development, I enrolled in an online class. Along the way, I built YelpCamp, a CRUD web app that functions as a Yelp for campgrounds. This was implemented using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. The website sanitizes input for security, and features authentication using Passport.js. You can try the app here (note: it may take 15-30 seconds to start up as it is being hosted through Heroku's free plan).

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